Thanksgiving Dinner & Lunch at HOUSE Restaurant in Cuernavaca

Happy Thanksgiving! Let's carve the turkey and celebrate Thanksgiving

This celebration is our favorite of the year and has us excitedly planning and preparing with gusto.

Nuestro tradicional e irresistible menú incorpora los elementos que todos esperamos ansiosamente durante todo el año. El pavo será marinado en cítricos y horneado con mantequilla y orégano fresco. Para acompañarlo: stuffing de pan sourdough, pasas rubias, manzanas & salchichón de ternera, puré de papa, gravy, salsa de arándanos, pan maíz perfumado con salvia, vegetales rostizados: coles de bruselas, zanahoras, echalottes y cebolla cambray, ejotes glaseados con champiñones.

We truly love these days when we become hosts to American friends, paisans who have lived in the United States and have fallen in love with the tradition and "local guayabos" who have also discovered it and have become enamored with its beauty and delicious aromas and flavors.

Es la calidez de estar juntos y compartir una comida lo que hace que este día sea tan especial. Aquí en HOUSE, hemos ajustado nuestro diseño para que puedas celebrar de manera segura con tus seres queridos en espacios amplios y al aire libre. Nuestro menú de Thanksgiving estará disponible para comida & cena del jueves 23 al domingo 26 de noviembre 2023 .

Join us this Thanksgiving Day to share a meal in a small gathering with family and friends & give thanks for all the blessings we’ve received and celebrate the things that really matter in life.

5 Reasons We Love Thanksgiving:

  1. Eating, eating and more eating. Thanksgiving food is heavenly, and we all love a good “mal de Puerco” or Turkey Coma.
  2. It is a whole day dedicated to being thankful. Sometimes we just need a reminder of how lucky we are.
  3. It's not about giving gifts. Save that stress for December.
  4. You can dress elegant. Now is your chance to show off that outfit you've been saving during the pandemic.
  5. It is an excuse to drink and have fun. In that case, let's pop the champagne and let it flow!

Gather your family and friends at HOUSE Restaurant Cuernavaca to enjoy a magical Thanksgiving feast. This year, let us do all the heavy lifting and come to HOUSE Restaurant for a relaxing Thanksgiving lunch or dinner with turkey & all the fixins'. This is delicious food and nothing to do with dirty dishes.

No cooking (or cleaning) necessary this year! Join us this thanksgiving at HOUSE Restaurant in Cuernavaca.

Las Casas B+B Hotel | Thanksgiving en HOUSE Restaurante

Join us this Thanksgiving. Special Lunch & Dinner Menu With Delicious Turkey, Stuffing, Gravy And All Its Fixing's

Las Casas B+B Hotel Boutique, Spa & Restaurant

Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas #110, Col. Centro, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.

Hotel.: +52 777-318-7777
Restaurant: +52 777-318-3782

Las Casas B+B Hotel | Thanksgiving en HOUSE Restaurante
Las Casas B+B Hotel | Thanksgiving en HOUSE Restaurante
Las Casas B+B Hotel | Thanksgiving en HOUSE Restaurante
Las Casas B+B Hotel | Thanksgiving en HOUSE Restaurante
Las Casas B+B Hotel | Thanksgiving en HOUSE Restaurante
Las Casas B+B Hotel | Thanksgiving en HOUSE Restaurante

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Contact us

Let's Start Planning Your Dinner! Call us at 777.318.7777 or leave us your info here, and we will be happy to contact you immediately.


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